Prepare Trap
1. Push in Tab A to break perforation and pull out to remove completely. See figure A
2. To remove release paper, hold down Tab B. Keep pressure on the trap and pull release paper from any corner exposing glue stripes. See figure B
3. Fold trap at fold line (glue side in). Insert Tab C into the Tabs labeled D. See figure C

For Use On Furniture & Bed Frame Legs
1. If desired, remove Tab B along perforation.
2. Slide onto furniture leg and/or bed frame leg. See figure D
For Use Between The Mattress & Box Spring
1. Insert Tab B between the mattress and the box spring, allowing glue portion of trap to hang down against box spring. See figure E
For Use On The Floor & Under Furniture
1. If desired, remove Tab B along perforation.
2. Place on floor along walls, ensuring open edge completely touches wall. See figure F
Check trap at least once per week for bed bug evidence, such as small, reddish brown bugs the size of an apple seed, small blood stains or dark excreta spots, dead bed bugs, shed skins or small whitish eggs. If no evidence of bed bugs is noticed on the glue, be sure to check along inside of fold line and where Tabs C and D meet as this is where bed bugs will hide.